hello folks, this is aseth, the sole owner of this webpage. to be honest, there's not much here—just some casual talks and a few things i like. truthfully, i have no solid reason for creating this page. the only explanation i give myself, just to justify its existence, is that i simply wanted to create something. or, to put it another way, i wanted to play around with html and css. now, this isn't my first time using html (though it is my first time tinkering with css). i've used html before to build something for someone, but i didn't quite achieve what i was aiming for.
anyway, this page exists purely for experimental purposes, so i don’t expect anyone to discover it, let alone read my blogs. i’m not promoting it—no social media posts announcing my latest blog entries—because i’m not a social media guy, at least not anymore. and since it’s just an experimental project, i won’t be flooding it with blogs every week or month. honestly, i’m writing this while listening to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen—one of my favorites.
as for improving the website’s aesthetics, i probably won’t. i prefer things to be simple yet visually comfortable, and in its current state, it delivers what i want (though not so much on phones, so yeah, it’s not perfect). i’m also not the kind of person who enjoys tinkering with every little thing on the internet, so i won’t be making any further changes simply because i don’t feel like it.
i have a wide range of interests, yet nothing in particular fascinates me for too long. what truly captivates me is the art of understanding things. when i come across something interesting, i have this urge to dive deep into it, to grasp its essence, and to experience it firsthand. that’s just how my mind works.
now, about this website—it took me around five hours to put everything together. hosting it seemed like it would be a challenge, or at least that’s what i expected, but it turned out to be easier than i thought. of course, i had some help along the way. a dear friend of mine.
and now, ending all this nonsensical yaddi yadda which no one’s gonna read, i have a final thing to say: i fluffing hate css with all my passion.